Japan Sinks: 2020
In July of 2020, Netflix released a brand new original animated series, Japan Sinks: 2020 , apparently inspired by a popular Japanese doomsday novel. The show was met with initial success, which is to be expected from a Netflix original series, so I went into watching it with high expectations. However, I found it extremely difficult to get through. The series opens strong, with a great concept, suspenseful atmosphere, and a beautiful soundtrack. As the series progressed, the dialogue seemed to become increasingly awkward. (I don’t know if the writers or the voice actors were at fault, but the quality of the character dialogue suffered.) There were also some strange narrative arcs which seemed unrelated to the story (the drug-fueled utopian commune, led by a self-proclaimed medium everyone calls “mother”, comes to mind). Overall, though the ending was satisfactory, and the soundtrack was amazing, Japan Sinks: 2020 was an underwhelming 5/10. ...